Lip Augmentation Consultation

Printable Consultation Tip Sheet

Of course, you are not expected to ask a plastic surgeon all of these questions, but you are entitled to if you so wish. For ease of reference, highlight the numbers of the questions you wish to ask at your consultation.

Surgeon: ______________ Date: _____________ Time: ________ am/pm

phone: ____________________________________________________

address: ___________________________________________________

website: ___________________________________________________

referrer: ___________________________________________________

Certified by American Board of Plastic Surgery: yes no

Certified by American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: yes no

Other: _____________________________________________________

Rating (circle one)

  • patient referral list available: yes no

  • professional manner: poor fair average above average excellent

  • communication skills: poor fair average above average excellent

  • attitude of staff: poor fair average above average excellent

  • surgeon's appearance: poor fair average above average excellent

  • office appearance: poor fair average above average excellent

  • all questions answered: yes no

  • viewed before & after photos: yes no

Overall Rating: poor fair average above average excellent

Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

  1. What made you decide to become a cosmetic plastic surgeon?

  2. How long have you been practicing as a cosmetic plastic surgeon?

  3. Are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
    [ ] yes [ ] no If not, why not?

  4. Have you ever been disciplined by the board or by the state?

  5. Have you been involved in any medical malpractice suits?
    If so how many?

  6. How long have you been performing lip augmentation? How many lip procedures per month (or week) do you perform?

  7. Have you performed a lip augmentation on anyone on your staff? May I speak to him or her?

  8. How many revisions of your own work, on average, do you perform?

  9. Have you or would you be willing to perform this procedure on a loved one or family member? [ ] yes [ ] no

Product Concerns and Questions

  1. What product do you prefer and why?

  2. I am interested in (product/procedure). Do you offer this?

  3. If I choose to have injectables, how many cc do you think it will take to achieve my desires?

  4. How long will my lip augmentation last?

  5. Is this product reversible or easily removable?

  6. What size implant (if applicable) do you recommend for me and what key factors decide this?

  7. Is this product FDA approved? (In Europe, does it have a CE Marking?) Is this product FDA approved for cosmetic use?

  8. If so, is this product FDA approved specifically for use in the lips?

  9. Are there other techniques or products, newer ones perhaps, that I may not be aware of?

Surgical Techniques (Incisions, Placement, etc.)

  1. Do I need augmentation in the:
    [ ] fleshy part of the lip [ ] vermilion border [ ] philtral ridges
    [ ] other

  2. How large are your incisions usually? ____ cm / ____ mm

  3. Do I need a lip lift as well? Is my lip to nose ratio too long?

  4. For implants, do you use one piece for the lower and two for the upper, severed in the middle, at the bow or kept intact?

Risks, Contraindications and Complications

  1. Make sure to discuss the risks and complications for your lip augmentation procedure.

  2. Are there any problems associated with this product or this type of lip augmentation that I should be aware of?

  3. Will I experience a localized inflammatory response?

  4. Are granulomas or lumps a risk of this product?

  5. Is rejection or considerable palpability an issue with this product?

  6. What are the chances of migration of the implant or product?

  7. Will this be visible?

  8. If migration occurs, what are my options?

  9. What are the chances of infection?

  10. If infection occurs, what are my options?

  11. How long will I have to wait for revision, if needed?

Surgery Preparation

  1. Must I abide by a special diet before surgery? If so, starting how many days before surgery?

  2. I smoke (if applicable). Must I quit before surgery? If so, for how long before and after should I refrain from smoking?

  3. Do I have to buy special post-operative supplies such as:
    [ ] gauze [ ] Hibiclens [ ] Q-tips [ ] cotton balls
    [ ] ice packs or frozen peas [ ] antibiotic creams [ ] other

  4. Do you suggest vitamins and supplements, such as:
    [ ] vit. C [ ] vit. K [ ] vit. A [ ] vit. K [ ] Zinc
    [ ] Coenzyme Q-10 [ ] L-Carnitine [ ] Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
    [ ] MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) [ ] other

  5. I have heard Arnica montana helps with the swelling and bruising if taken before and after my surgery. Do you recommend it?

  6. What about Bromelain tablets?

  7. What about the topical arnica gels?

  8. What types of medications will I be given and which pain medications do you normally prescribe?

  9. I am sensitive to Vicodin and Codeine (if applicable). What alternative medications do you offer?

  10. I take (birth control, diet pills, antidepressants, etc.) Will I have any adverse reactions from the prescribed medications or anesthesia? View our Medications and Supplement List for information on substances to avoid before surgery.

  11. Will I need to have a test injection or treatment (if applicable)?

  12. Will I need to use cold compresses or ice packs to alleviate pain and swelling after surgery? How long and often must they be used?

  13. Will I need to apply a topical anesthetic or prepare in any way for my procedure?

Surgical Procedure and Other Surgery Day Questions

  1. Do you have hospital privileges should I choose to undergo my procedure in a hospital? [ ] yes [ ] no

  2. If not, did you lose those privileges? (If so, the surgeon must disclose this information.) [ ] yes [ ] no

  3. Do you have an on-site accredited surgery center? If so, may I see it? Which organization is it accredited by?
    [ ] AAAASF - American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities
    [ ] AAAHC - Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care
    [ ] JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
    [ ] Medicare
    [ ] State

  4. How is a medical emergency handled? (Make sure the facility has a "crash cart" with the medications and equipment to handle a life-threatening emergency.)

  5. What anesthetic will you use? [ ] Light Sleep/Twilight
    [ ] General IV [ ] General Gaseous Sedation

  6. Who will administer anesthesia?
    [ ] anesthesiologist [ ] certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) [ ] surgeon [ ] nurse

  7. I have heard that general anesthesia can make a patient sick to their stomach. Is this true? If so, what can you do to lessen this effect?

  8. Do you have the following monitoring machines in your operating room (check all that apply)?
    [ ] EKG [ ] Pulse Oximetry [ ] Blood Pressure
    [ ] Capnograph (CO2) [ ] pneumatic leg sleeves

  9. Do you have transfer privileges (to admit a patient) at a nearby hospital? [ ] yes [ ] no

Financial Issues

  1. Are there any hidden costs that I should know about? For lab work, post-operative check-ups, additional medications?
    [ ] yes [ ] no If yes, please explain.

  2. Do you require a deposit to hold my surgery date?
    [ ] yes [ ] no If so, how much?

  3. Do you offer financing (if applicable)? [ ] yes [ ] no

  4. Do you expect full payment up front? [ ] yes [ ] no

  5. Do you take credit cards? [ ] yes [ ] no

  6. May I pay in increments? [ ] yes [ ] no

  7. What if I change my mind and back out, will my money be refunded? [ ] yes [ ] no


  1. How far in advance is it necessary to schedule a surgery date? I want to have the surgery done on or by (date). Would this be possible?


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